Friday, August 15, 2008

Slow News Day Cheerleader Of The Day..Er..Weekend: Hawks

Watching Michael Phelps and yawning over the early round poundings of Team USA Basketball over their opponents?

Yeah, me too.

Therefore, let's usher in a weekend in style. Today, we go to a land filled with southern accents, fatty food, Chipper Jones, and red clay (they have red clay instead of dirt...gets all over everything): ATLANTA!

The majority of my family resides in Atlanta, a bizarre situation considering all of us grew up and lived in New Jersey. The city is really underrated (probably due to its annual "most polluted air" championships in Men's Health), and the people there are all unbelievably nice. Most of all, they don't do anything small there. It's ALL supersized.

With that in mind, a supersized, weekend-filling batch of Atlanta Hawks "A-Town" Team Dancers. Have a good weekend, folks.

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