Thursday, December 24, 2009
Happy Holidays From THF!
< The Howeva Files 3 comments
Categories: Black And Blue Jor, Site Announcements
Friday, December 18, 2009
NBA Lookalikes = Fun
I have an addiction. Some could argue that I am obsessed with NBA trade rumors, sometimes liking them even more than the game itself, but that isn't it. I could have an addiction like gambling (well...I do plan on taking a look at some nba basketball betting lines over the holidays...perhaps doing some online sports book wagering too...) but nay.
My addiction is celebrity lookalikes.
Coming across this on Youtube, I couldn't help but giggle and watch it roughly 50 times. Enjoy.
< The Howeva Files 2 comments
Categories: Black And Blue Jor, Site Announcements, Video Of The Day
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Wade Is Great At Imitations
Gotta love a good Shaq imitation:
< Jordan Geary 4 comments
Categories: Black And Blue Jor, Miami Heat, Video Of The Day
Thursday, December 3, 2009
New Stuff Happened!
Hey hey hey readers,
Lots of new stuff to discuss!
First and foremost, we created a brand new site entitled "ZOMBIES CAN DUNK. COM"!
ZCD is related to all sports, not just basketball, and is more for our goofy sides regarding sports writing. It also will have live Twitter updates, reader contests, and be updated extremely often. Yippee!
The Howeva Files also got a revamp, with a new logo, new text fonts, and new sponsors. We will still be bringing you that irreverent and pointless basketball news humor that you have grown to know and love. We will also get Ron Artest drunk and writing for us sometime soon we hope.
Thus, now you poor bastards have twice the drivel to sift through. Your welcome!
< Jordan Geary 3 comments
Categories: Black And Blue Jor, News, Site Announcements